The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Fresh Harvest, LLC: Fresh Harvest for November 15th
To Contact Us
Fresh Harvest, LLC
Link to Fresh Harvest
Email us!
Tallahassee May
Napa Cabbage Salad with Hot Bacon Dressing
from Food
Serves 4 to 6
1Napa cabbage, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced (you’ll need 6 to 8 cups)
8thick slices bacon, cut into 1/ 4-inch lardons
1tablespoon flour
2tablespoons red wine or cider vinegar
1/2cup plus 2 tablespoons water
3/4teaspoon salt
1egg, lightly beaten
Place the cabbage in a large mixing bowl. Add the bacon to a medium sauté pan and set over medium heat. Render the bacon fat and brown the bacon, adjusting the heat as needed. Remove the bacon with a slotted spoon to a plate lined with paper towel, then pour off all but 2 tablespoons bacon fat (approximate, don’t measure) from the pan. Set the pan over medium low heat. Add the flour and stir until smooth. Cook for 1 minute. Stir in the vinegar and water and bring to a boil. Season with the salt. Gradually – and slowly! – whisk this mixture into the egg. Sprinkle the bacon on the cabbage, then pour 3/4 of the dressing over the cabbage and toss to mix.
Market News
The weeks ahead are sure to be busy for everyone. We appreciate you keeping us in your schedule, and for making the extra effort to buy locally grown produce from us! This time of year is so full of delicious produce – it is as diverse and bountiful as any month in summer! Please enjoy all the good stuff we have to offer!
Also! Please remember next week for your Thanksgiving meal plans! Have a locally grown and raised Thanksgiving! We will be delivering on Tuesday the 24th, so get your order in early on Monday. Hours will be 4 – 6p.m. at Trinity Church. The Market will open on Sunday evening per usual, and will close on Monday about mid-day, so get those orders in quick that week!
We have these items available for Thanksgiving pre-order:
The Bloomy Rind has cheese trays available for pre-order this week! This is a curated selection of artisan cheeses, perfect for pre-Thanksgiving dinner snacking or entertaining at any point over the holiday. They come in a variety of sizes for every budget. These are for delivery on the 24th. However, there are some other delicious cheeses up there this week, so don’t miss out on those either!
Dozen Bakery has their pre-order pies available on the market this week! These pies are made with the highest quality ingredients and are just lovely and delicious! Save your self some work – you won’t regret it! These are available for pre-order now, and are to be picked up on Tuesday the 24th.
We appreciate your support, and will see you on Wednesday!
John and Tallahassee
Coming Events
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
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StPete.LocallyGrown.Net: Market NOW Open - Nov. 16, 2015
To Contact Us
St. Pete Locally Grown
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on facebook
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via email
see volunteers on pinterest
see local urban growers on pinterest
Ready To Order?
sign in & shop now
FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS You are invited to watch our Market Tutorial before you begin. If you do not receive an email confirmation immediately after you order, then you did not click the SUBMIT ORDER button and we did not receive an order from you. Call your Market Manager for help.
GROW YOUR OWN: How to Raise Red Wrigglers
Even in retirement, Nathan is contributing to our Market by allowing me to share his instructional gardening videos. Take a look at Nathan’s video “How to Raise Red Wrigglers” filmed during one of his backyard gardening classes. It’s a great way to make compost or seed starter. Thanks to Volunteer Videographer Jeff Yentzer for filming this segment for us.

Message from Your Market Manager
I am JUST SO EXCITED this week! This season is beginning to bust out already and none too soon for me! I hope that you are as pleased as I with our variety this week.
One thing our Market is becoming known for is the diversity of “unusual” fare NOW GROWING in the St. Petersburg Area:
- Tatsoi is an Asian green that is so lovely when you get to know it. Grown in St. Pete! Even has heard of it.
- Did you know that Hungarian Hot Wax Peppers can be pickled like cucumbers? or so says Grown in Bradenton.
- Are you tempted to try sour oranges? Grown in St. Pete. Here are 5 Uses For Sour Orange Juice and I’m guessing you can come up with several of your own.
- Everyone is talking about the health benefits of turmeric root. Grown in St. Pete! I’ve never seen so much on our Market before at one time. So here are 90 trusted turmeric recipes complete with ratings, reviews and cooking tips.
St. Pete Locally Grown has a new co-op drop spot in the Edgemoor Neighborhood at the newly named Edgemoor Community Garden which is set back from the road at 1st Street N & 62nd Avenue N. Formerly known as the FCC Garden, the garden will now display a banner posted on playground equipment nearby announcing Edgemoor Community Garden. You will be turning from the street onto the grass and driving towards the playground area to meet our delivery van at this beautiful community garden. Let me know if you would like to pickup there and we will meet at a pre-arranged time. BTW, if you are interested in getting more info on how YOU can grow your own food there, please visit their website for all the details, and then get started. Tis the season to be planting!
Tis the season for all great growers to reappear on our online Market! Returning this week is Ray Wunderlich of Pioneer Settlement Garden and Donna Robbins of Organically Inclined. Welcome back to both. You are needed!
We managed to locate FLORIDA GROWN cucumbers and green beans for our Market this week! Plus we’ve got those fabulous Covington domestic yams from PA, the BEST we’ve ever had. Portabellos too!
Apples, pears, ginger root, and several of Jennifer’s remedies from The Herbal Cabinet. Plus, with good weather and the right growing season, abundance brings good buys for our customers in our ECONOMY category.
Your order for veggies from Geraldson Community Farm must be submitted no later than Monday 8pm TONIGHT. If you’re late then you’ll have to wait two weeks for another chance. I will send you a reminder at 6pm but you should set your own reminder in case I am delayed. You don’t have to submit your entire order by 8pm tonight, just what you want from GCF. For first timers, I suggest you submit your entire order all at once just to avoid the multiple orders. The system will think it’s time to charge a membership fee on your second order. If this should happen to you just call me so I can adjust your invoice.
Fresh coconuts, calamondin (aka sour oranges), and green papayas are available—all locally grown in St. Pete. We’ve got red seedless grapes from CA. Also available, and ON SALE THIS WEEK, are U.S. grown bosc pears and gala apples from Washington State. In addition, with the return of Organically Inclined, we currently have dried fruits like banana chips, cranberries, and raisins among other products she offers our Market. “OI” is an occasional provider for our Market, so don’t hold off on purchasing from her.
This article from Local Harvest’s Newsletter of 8/31/15 spells out a crazy scenario that we should all be aware of. You have to read it to believe it! Also, did you know that SPLG is a proud contributing member of Local Harvest? Please visit our listing and post a review while you’re there.
Not sure if kitchen gardening in Florida homes make sense. Do any of you have experience with this? Here’s Kitchen Gardening 101: How to Grow Your Own Food from KGI but I would have questions about controlling humidity and pests in the home. Might be a good option for apartment dwellers.
Volunteers Needed

- Friday morning distribution preparation. Everything from preparing customer coolers to loading up the van for delivery shifts. Commitment is from 7:30AM until around 11am. Detail oriented.
- Friday deliveries: We have three delivery shifts. Commitment is a 3-hour shift between 1130AM & 630PM. Delivery volunteers are asked to train to become a part of our Friday team and attend a 20-minute phone conference orientation at their convenience. Teams of two deliver throughout St. Petersburg, near Largo, and into Gulfport. How does it all work? Volunteer teams of two deliver via a large air-conditioned cargo van throughout St. Petersburg, near Largo, and into Gulfport. Successful volunteers are detail oriented and like meeting people. Our delivery duos are forming bonds and meeting smiling and grateful customers excited about their vegetables. Please call Tina at 727-515-9469.
Upcoming Events
All these and more are posted on our Calendar of Events
- *"Monthly Potluck Socials" for November and December are being combined into one festive Holiday event on Dec. 5th. Mark your calendars now and look for your Evite which was emailed recently. Hope you can make it! It is usually an enchanted evening…
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Bedford County: Market is OPEN!!
Bedford County Locally Grown
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: 865 Union St. Shelbyville, Tennessee
On Instagram: @bedfordclocallygrown
Call: 931 – 952 – 1224
The Market Is Open!
So sorry for the late email, we didn’t forget, just had so many things on at one time!
FIRST and very important, there will not be a market pickup Thanksgiving week. Please stock up on all your holiday cooking needs this week and have a locally grown holiday.
Erdman Farm is BACK and has a LOT to offer this week. So many beautiful vegetables!
Seeds of Success is also back with 7 different seasonings/snack mixes that are so healthy, delicious and incredible.
Botanical Harmony Farm has a fresh batch of whipped body butter for keeping tender skin protected and moisturized during these cold, dark days. Look for gift sets and new soaps and herbal care products to be listed right after Thanksgiving for EASY holiday gifting! “We will have a display of holiday items for purchase in the coming weeks so you can choose items you would love to give!”
Rocky Glade Farm continues to provide us with out of this world produce
Order until Tuesday night at 9!We would love for each of you to share about the market to as many locals as possible. Whether by word of mouth or Facebook, let’s continue to show the hard-working farmers how much we need and appreciate them!
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Important Market Information
Customers have from Saturday 5pm until Tuesday at 9pm to place orders. The market will be closed Tuesday evening.
On Thursday’s from 4:45pm – 6:00pm customers can pick up their orders at 865 Union St Shelbyville, TN 37160 (opposite Piggly Wiggly). This is where customers are to pay for their orders in check or cash.
If you have any problems or any questions please do not hesitate to ask (our contact info is above)
Please, share your recipes with us on the website, on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Bedford County Locally Grown products, so we can try it too!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Ashleigh + Tracey
See the full product list here:
Dawson Local Harvest for Nov. 20th
I’m very excited to announce the advent of Free-range Beef from FIVE HENS FARMS. Check out their entire menu of locally-raised natural Beef including Steaks, ground Beef, Roasts, and other cuts, joining their Free-range Pork offerings.
With Thanksgiving just around the corner you still have time to make that homemade Pumpkin Pie. You can still get a wonderful cooking Pumpkin from BRADLEY FARMS for your Holiday celebrations.
FRESH PRODUCE: This is the last Market before Thanksgiving so get your greens now. Available this week from LEILANI’S is Spinach, Collard Greens, ‘Peppermint’ Chard, and two varieties of Kale.
SUPERB COLLARDS: Make excellent Collard Greens with this easy recipe: boil 4-5 cups water with the secret ingredient, a smoked turkey leg (at most grocery stores) and some Ham or Chicken bouillon for 1/2 hour. Remove the center stem from your Collard leaves and chop up the leaves somewhat. Lightly boil them a couple of hours until the liquid is mostly gone. Season to taste and it’s done and scrumptious!
REMEMBER! You can order until Tuesday night at 8pm. Pick up your order at Leilani’s Gardens Friday afternoons from 4 to 7pm.
You’ll find the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST at
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible! We guarantee your satisfaction with all products in the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST.
Have a happy and healthy week!
Alan Vining
Market Manager
Northeast Georgia Locally Grown: Plus a day!
My apologies, it’s not Monday yet! The market doesn’t close until 9pm tomorrow, so you have plenty of time to order your local goodies for this Wednesday! 441 products to choose from right now >>
The Wednesday Market: Time to Order; Frost; Thanksgiving News
Good afternoon, all!
The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your orders by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. Please see the website for this week’s listings. Here is the link:
The frost was on the pumpkin this morning, and, unfortunately, on the peppers, too. Yes, this means the end of the pepper season, according to our friends at Westerfield Farms.
If you browse the Vegetables category, you will see that many of our farmers have cool weather crops, such as greens, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, cabbage, spinach, and lettuces available now.
Special Notice regarding Thanksgiving Week
Please mark your calendars for our special holiday hours. During the week of Thanksgiving, we are shifting The Wednesday Market schedule backwards by one day. The Market will be turned on Friday, November 20, to receive orders. Ordering will close on Sunday, November 22, at 10 p.m. Pick up is scheduled for Tuesday from 3 to 6 p.m.
We will follow our normal schedule during the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s, as those holidays fall on Fridays and will not affect our Market operations.
Have a great Sunday, and we’ll see you at the Market!
Russellville Community Market: RCM Opening Bell & Thanksgiving Announcement

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: As the Thanksgiving holiday quickly approaches, we want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we will NOT have a market day on the week of Thanksgiving. This has been our tradition in the past, but thought a reminder might be necessary. Be sure to stock up for any of your Thanksgiving needs THIS WEEK. Thanks everyone, and if you have any questions, please feel free to email us!
Welcome to another RCM Market Week!
Be sure to check out the newly listed items this week! Lots of great, local products to be had!
Happy shopping! Eat Local!
Check out the “Featured Items” section as well as the “What’s New” section at the top of the market page for all the latest products available.
Be sure to “Like” our Facebook page for updates and food-related events in your community!
To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. Remember, you have until 10:00pm Tuesday evening to place your orders.
Happy Shopping! See you on Thursday!
Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: Reminder: Place your co-op order today!
Just a friendly reminder that the market closes today at 6 pm.
Please remember that we need to hit certain minimums in order for our farmers and vendors to deliver to us.
Thank you for placing your order and supporting local farms and businesses!
See you on Tuesday!
Click Here to Order
Gwinnett Locally Grown: What are you waiting for?
Quick! Order before the market closes!! Market’s open until Monday at noon! Click here to order now!
Don’t forget to follow us on facebook and on instagram @gwinnettlocallygrown for discount codes and promotions!
Upcoming Workshops
These are the upcoming workshops hosted at Rancho Alegre Farm:
Healthy Eating for a New You – Thursday, November 19 at 7 PM – 9 PM- Cost: $15 – Enjoy a delicious meal with Kelia Bortini and her husband. They will show you how he achieved a 90 pound weight loss that he has sustained for 3 years now. They turned to whole foods and a new way of eating.
Hope to see you there!!
Visit for more information and as always, contact me for any questions or for more information!
See you Tuesday,
-Market Manager
Stones River Market: The Market is Back Open
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Welcome back to another week of local products. I have returned from my annual trip to Washington D.C. and you will notice all the products back on the Market from Erdmann Farm including brocoli, cabbage and kale.
Other items of interest this week include:
Farrar Farms continues adding to the product line with beef heart, tongue, minute steak and more.
Frontier Family Farm adds mesclun to his listings.
Just added to the Market are cranberry orange cake bars from Flying S Farms.
Rocky Glade Farm has added endive to go along with their other greens and potatoes.
There are plenty of other products available this week. Browse the categories to see what your will find.
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Thanks so much for your support of Stones River Market, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. We’ll see you on Wednesday at Southern Stained Glass at 310 West Main Street from 5:00 to 6: 30 pm!
Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
I thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
See the complete list of products at