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Cross Timbers Food Cooperative:  CTFC Market Open for September 12 Pick-up

Hey, folks—

Ordering for the first September delivery is OPEN.

Orders can be placed through Sunday, September 6.

Pickup is from 1:30 – 2:30 PM on Saturday, September 12.

for Cross Timbers Food Cooperative

CLG:  Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight at 10pm.

Hello Friends,
There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, September 4th . The market closes TONIGHT around 10pm.

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Our Website:

On Facebook:

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  Just a Short Time Left to Order!

Manchester Locally Grown Farmers’ Market

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook: Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
By phone: (931) 273-9708
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.

Good morning, everyone!

Manchester Locally Grown online farmers’ market is open for ordering. The market opened at 8 a.m. Sunday morning, and will be open until this evening (Tuesday) at 10 pm. Pickup will be on Thursday from 3:00 till 5:00. We have more variety than many large Saturday markets, and our items will be in your hands on Thursday! Instead of fighting the crowds and getting up early to search for what you want at the Saturday market, check out the wonderful products our local growers have for you, from the comfort of your own computer. We appreciate your support of your friends and neighbors who have grown and produced these items.


Paccman Ranch has once again listed their 2 pound package of ground beef. Get yours before they run out!

From Dogwood Valley Greenhouse:

With somewhat lower temperatures and lots of rain, now is a great time to get a jump on your spring gardening with perennial and herb plants and ferns. Dogwood Valley Greenhouse has a great Fall Special: buy 3 perennial or herb plants or ferns (mix-and-match), and get one of equal or lesser value at no charge.

We still have lots and lots of summer vegetables on the market. This week we have zucchini, tomatoes, summer squash, red potatoes, peppers, onions, lettuce, and cucumbers. Local milk and eggs; pork and chicken cuts; and more are available here! Three types of dried herbs and eight of fresh are also available to flavor those dishes! We have lots of homemade herbal products too.

(L to R) Mixed Lettuce from Frontier Family Farm, Yellow Crook-neck Squash from White City Produce & Greenhouses, Ground Beef from Paccman Ranch, Fresh Apple Mint from White City Produce & Greenhouses, and Toad Lily Plant from Dogwood Valley Greenhouse.


Important Ordering and Pickup Information

Ordering will be open until Tuesday at 10 p.m., and your order will be available for pickup on Thursday between 3:00 and 5:00 at Square Books, 113 East Main Street, Manchester. We can also hold your order in the refrigerator till Friday, if it’s more convenient for you to pick it up then. If you prefer to utilize this free service, please make a note on your order or call my cell at (931) 273-9708.

Thanks so much for your support of Manchester Locally Grown Market, all of our growers, local food, and our right to eat it. Please encourage our local farmers by helping to spread the word about our wonderful market to everyone you know. We have new farmers considering joining our market, if they can be guaranteed of large sales. Please share this e-mail with some of your friends. And if you haven’t ordered from Manchester Locally Grown for a while, please check out our offerings this week.


Here is the complete list for this week.

Old99Farm Market:  old 99 farm. week of Aug 30, 2015

Are plants intelligent? So asks Albert Bates, currently in Iceland teaching a permaculture course.
“Plants communicate — they are actually quite loquacious communicators. They are able to distinguish kin and non-kin. They communicate with plants of their own and other species and they communicate with animals and humans.

We are here in Iceland teaching a permaculture course with Robyn Francis and she likes to say plants are just upside-down humans. We have our senses up at the top — in our mouths, noses, ears and fingertips. Plants keep those mostly down in their roots but they also smell and taste and touch like we do. We keep our sex organs hidden down in our bottoms, but plants put them up on full display at the top.

But can a plant be intelligent? Some plant scientists, like Stefano Mancuso, think they are — since they can discover, learn, remember, and even react in ways we would call intelligent."

Check out this TED talk about quantum biology: using quantum physics to fathom how birds migrate using the earth’s magnetic field, etc.

Oh yes we do have more mundane things to mention this week! tomatoes, squashes, potatoes etc. As of Aug 30th, we can offer 48 items including the following crops: zucchini, plum tomatoes, cilantro, basil, napa and early white cabbage, arugula (rocket), kale, three varieties of chard, red cabbage, collards, and beetgreens, peppers, eggplant, spaghetti squash. There are lots of eggs. So please surf on over to the locallygrown site and see what you’d like to eat.

Healthy eating to you all,
ian and Cami

Fresh Harvest, LLC:  Fresh harvest - Delicious Watermelons and Labor Day Meat Special!!

To Contact Us

Fresh Harvest, LLC
Link to Fresh Harvest
Email us!
Tallahassee May



Market News


There are some new items on the Market page we thought you might want to know about!

Sugar Camp Farm has a fresh picked crop of watermelons just added to the Market. These are ONLY good during these warm days of summer, and you must enjoy them now!!

Bear Creek Farm has added a Labor Day Special . Two items, Spare Ribs and Hamburger patties are at a reduced price for your family’s grilling needs!

Also, Dozen Bakery has their Variety Pack of cookies up – great for a party!

There are still lots of great veggies, cheese, and other items up for you! You have until Tuesday evening to place your order!

We appreciate your support, and will see you on Wednesday!

John and Tallahassee

Coming Events

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

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GFM :  Cucumber Relish Demo

UT Extension Office will be at the market on Wed. from 3 pm to 6 pm.,doing a Cucumber Relish Demo. There will be giveaways for all that attend along with recipe cards.

We will also have watermelons, potatoes, Homemade Fudge, soaps , maybe some green beans and other produce available. As well as a few Craft Vendors.

We will be under the AJ Pavilion of the Green County Fairgrounds for the next few weeks.

Come check out what we have available.

You can pre-order from this site for Saturday Pick Up.

Superior Seasons:  Wild blueberries and mushrooms, local flour and meat, veggies, apples...

Order until 4:30 Monday (today!) for Pickup or Delivery Wednesday! We are still offering HOME DELIVERY to Individual customers! Restaurants, Institutions, and other wholesale customers can access delivery with wholesale pricing – ask us how! CLICK HERE, to see what’s available, set up your account, and order.

What’s Featured and New? Click HERE to find wild mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, meats, syrups, milled products, bath and beauty products, and more!

Read our Recipe section HERE

Joyful Noise Acres Farm:  Don't forget to place your orders before 8:00pm.

*Georgia Farm to Table *has a wonderful variety of vegetables this week. The fresh broccoli is going into a broccoli, bacon salad Wednesday night. I can’t wait! They have beans, apples, greens, potatoes and more.

*Good Shepherd Herbals *has lowered the price on several of their wonderful salves and liniments. They are also taking pre-orders for Elderberry Syrup, to be delivered in October. Place your order now and pay at pick-up.

The honey order has arrived so please plan to pick up this Wednesday.
Thank you all,
Mary Beth

Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op:  Reminder

Don’t forget to place your order for Spa City Co-op at before Tuesday night at 9 pm.

Lots of great stuff on the market, so check it out!

Princeton Farm Fresh:  The Market is Open

This is the last week for the Caldwell County Farmers Market. I can hardly believe it has been 10 weeks. We have been asking our customers to fill out a survey of their experiences at the market to include things we have done right, and ways we can improve for next year. Our board will be getting together in the next month discussing these surveys and how our next years market will improve. We already know that we will be extending the start and end times. Beginning earlier next year and ending a bit later. I would love for everyone to stop by Thursday and fill out one of these surveys and share with us your vision for the traditional market. In addition, we will have all of our Non-profits that have been with us during the year coming out once again. I really appreciate the way Princeton has come out to support this traditional market. I am always amazed at the participation and love ya’ll show for your community.
See you on Friday,